Latest Small Business News 10/11/19

Latest Small Business News 10/11/19

How Tala is Creating Banking Opportunities for the World’s Poorest (And Why it Matters)

What happens when someone in one of the most economically disadvantaged areas of the world has a dream to start a business to help care for their family? A few years ago, the opportunity to do much of anything would have been bleak - if not nonexistent. But, ask Amylene Dingle, a mom from Manila, and she’ll tell you a different story - and it’s all thanks to the Santa Monica-based startup known as Tala.

Latest Small Business News 9/27/2019

Latest Small Business News 9/27/2019

Is Community the Key to a Strong Economy - and Your Business’s Success?

Any good business, whether small and locally-owned or a publicly-traded behemoth, understands the need to create a community in order to build brand loyalty and evergreen profits. When there’s a strong community behind anything, be it brand or a motion at a neighborhood association meeting, there’s a strong probability that it will achieve its goal. And, even if it’s blocked by some super power or intentional interference, it still has passionate supporters bringing attention and awareness to its cause.

Latest Small Business News 9/20/2019

Latest Small Business News 9/20/2019

The Probable Food Supply Side Effect of Brexit

With Brexit gearing up to take full effect in just over a month from now (Britain officially leaving the European Union), more and more Europeans are taking a closer look at exactly what it all means. And, while it’s impossible to predict, there is quite a consensus that it will cause major upheaval in the food industry, hitting Britain, of course, the hardest.

Latest Small Business News 9/13/19

Latest Small Business News 9/13/19

The Latest on California’s Contractor Law

 Just this week California passed major legislation with the hope of helping individuals currently working as “independent contractors” become employees. As an official employee, workers have the benefit of being required to earn a minimum wage and receive payment for overtime, in addition to other benefits like health insurance and paid sick leave. Of course, with so many businesses and workers thriving in what is known as the “gig economy”, this legislation is being fought from both sides, leaving everyone more than just a little confused as to what’s going to happen next.