Fluid Business Resources, LLC Privacy Policy
Fluid Business Resources, LLC (“FBR”) collects certain confidential information from its customers (and potential customers) through the application process. FBR maintains and uses such customer information as set forth in this privacy policy:
• FBR is committed to protecting customer information in each of its merchant transactions.
• FBR does not sell customer information to third parties.
• FBR does not share customer information with advertisers or marketers who wish to market their products to you.
• You do not have to take any action or instruct FBR to keep your information confidential.
• FBR uses commercially reasonable efforts to safeguard customer information.
• FBR maintains the procedure and technology described in this privacy policy.
FBR’s corporate mission is to be a trusted source of service and reliability for its customers. FBR is dedicated to these principles.
• FBR safeguards the security and integrity of customer information.
• FBR limits access to customer files to those officers who have a business need to know and access such information.
• FBR maintains policies and procedures to secure physical access to its confidential customer information, including:
• Locking down its physical files;
• Maintaining a professionally monitored alarm system at its facilities where confidential customer information is stored;
• Shredding all discarded customer information;
• FBR requires its independent contractors and third party vendors who provide services to FBR to adhere to strict privacy standards;
• FBR uses technological means (including back up files, offsite secured storage of electronic files, firewalls, and encryption schemes) to protect against unauthorized access or alterations of confidential customer data.
• FBR collects and maintains customer information as part of the FBR application process. FBR collects information about merchant business and its owners/operators from a variety of sources, including:
• Information provided to us via the FBR application and other required forms;
• Information FBR receives from third parties that the merchant business authorizes it to contact, such as the merchant’s trade, banking, and landlord references regarding credit history; and
• Information FBR receives from third party credit and background reporting agencies whom it contacts to verify merchants’ credit history and general background information.
• FBR does not share customer confidential information with third parties.
• FBR does not provide confidential customer information to third party advertisers or marketers.
• FBR does not provide confidential customer information to credit bureaus and/or credit reporting agencies.
• FBR will promptly notify a merchant business in writing or by telephone if FBR suspects that there has been a breach of confidentiality regarding confidential customer information.
The policies and practices described in this disclosure are subject to change, and any such changes will be communicated to FBR merchants and published on the FBR website. Please contact us at (844) 553-5843 or if you have questions regarding this policy.