Small Business News

Latest Small Business News 10/25/2019

Latest Small Business News 10/25/2019

This New “To-Do” List Method is Super Effective - And Even Easier “To Do"

Raise your hand if you love tackling your to-do list.

Didn’t think so.

And, of course, if you’re eager to raise your to-do-list-loving hand, there’s a good chance that you already are doing things a little differently, like not allowing your to-do list to get so out of hand that it haunts you day after day. Of course, according to productivity science, any approach to a “standard” to-do list is ineffective, mainly because they reward our brains in all of the wrong ways. Rather than getting done what’s really important, to-do list fans check things off simply for the reward of getting something done, no matter how easy or inconsequential that “thing” really is - or was.

Latest Small Business News 10/11/19

Latest Small Business News 10/11/19

How Tala is Creating Banking Opportunities for the World’s Poorest (And Why it Matters)

What happens when someone in one of the most economically disadvantaged areas of the world has a dream to start a business to help care for their family? A few years ago, the opportunity to do much of anything would have been bleak - if not nonexistent. But, ask Amylene Dingle, a mom from Manila, and she’ll tell you a different story - and it’s all thanks to the Santa Monica-based startup known as Tala.

Latest Small Business News 9/20/2019

Latest Small Business News 9/20/2019

The Probable Food Supply Side Effect of Brexit

With Brexit gearing up to take full effect in just over a month from now (Britain officially leaving the European Union), more and more Europeans are taking a closer look at exactly what it all means. And, while it’s impossible to predict, there is quite a consensus that it will cause major upheaval in the food industry, hitting Britain, of course, the hardest.