Small Business Finance

Measure, Track, and Explain Your Return on Investment

Measure, Track, and Explain Your Return on Investment

Here’s the question on every small-business owner’s mind: “Did X, Y, or Z deliver a return on our investment?”

But after they ask that, they’re wondering this: “Why is measuring ROI so dang hard?”

As a small-business owner, when you’re sinking beaucoup bucks into marketing campaigns, marketing strategies, digital advertising, email marketing platforms, a tip-top professional web-based presence, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine result placement (SERP), social media, and hiring a marketing guru who can help you keep everything straight, you’re going to want to make sure these bucks are well-spent and working for you. Not against you. 

Essentials to Know When Valuing Your Small Business

Essentials to Know When Valuing Your Small Business

Understanding the value of your small business is especially important if there is interest from another individual who may be looking to purchase or buy your existing small business. 

First off, congratulations are in order. Second, before celebrating too keenly, keep in mind that valuing a small business can be challenging, but not impossible. Before you pop the champagne, you have some work to do.

Here’s what you need to know if you want to appropriately gauge the value of a small business...