Small Business Know How

Business Tax Deductions part 1 of 3 - Deductible Driving

 Business Tax Deductions part 1 of 3 - Deductible Driving

Now that most small businesses are preparing their taxes for 2017, we thought here at Fluid Business Resources we’d take a spotlight on what needs to be considered and what cannot be forgotten about when preparing your small business taxes.

As most businesses prepare their taxes for 2017, we thought it would beneficial to curate a series of blog posts related to small business tax preparation. This post, “Deductible Driving,” is part one of a three-part series.

I Have A Question...How Do I Split Equity If I Have Multiple Business Partners?

I Have A Question...How Do I Split Equity If I Have Multiple Business Partners?

Everyone wants a piece of the pie, don’t they?

When there is a good idea at stake, everyone will want to be included. The question, then, about how to divide equity can become a crucial one.

Asking the Question

Deciding how to divide equity can make or break a business. OK, maybe it isn’t that drastic when you’re starting out, but eventually someone is going to start asking the difficult questions. If you’re not ready to broach or cover this “prickly” topic, you won’t be setting yourself or your small business up for success.

Ready to Drum Up Business? 8 Tips to Grow Restaurant Business & Sales

Ready to Drum Up Business? 8 Tips to Grow Restaurant Business & Sales

What’s the best part about owning a restaurant? People will always be hungry for more.


Breakfast, lunch, drinks, or dinner...the world, it seems, can never get enough. If you can keep customers dining, offer them great service (and even better food), and ask them to help you spread the word, it is only a matter of time until you have a gem of an establishment on your hands.

Exploring Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Strategy

Exploring Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Strategy

Is investing in SEM worth it for your own small business? You better believe it.

Within the world of digital marketing strategies, the fundamentals are akin to principles. Certainly, the subjective material (your words, your choices, your created ads) can affect Search Engine Marketing (SEM) success, but the question of whether or not you should invest in this type of digital marketing is non-negotiable. For your growing business to thrive, SEM is essential.